Picture update!


He is so smart!

Story time!

Goin out with Nana!

Massage time!

Bath time!

Talkin with dad!


Snooze time!

Life is so sweet with our little Toopweet man. He was 3 months old yesterday!


mom said...

I can't believe how much he's grown already!

P.S. Where did you get that tub???

Mommypotamus said...

I can't believe how much he's grown already!

P.S. Where did you get that tub???

P.P.S. I know I am not you're mom. I was trying to type Mommypotamus and my comment autosaved!

Kate said...

haha. I was confused.
My friend gave us the Washpod and he LOVES it and sadly is almost too big. They sell them at Buy Buy Baby though.

Debi said...

That's the cutest baby bathtub I've ever seen! Adorable pictures.

Terri said...

Precious Pictures..What a sweet blog.